July is here and it’s time to harvest currents!
At this work party we are going to learn about summer pruning, integrated pest management and maintaining a honey bee hive!
Work Party
Date: Saturday July 5, 2014
Time: 10am – 2pm
Potluck @ 1 PM
Tasks for the work party:
- Summer pruning
- Integrated pest management – aphids, codling moth
- Weeding tree-wells and around berries
- weed/ clean up accessible beds, pollinator beds, dry creek bed
- mowing
- watering
- Clean up strawberries beds
Don’t forget:
- dress for the weather
- water bottle
- potluck item (please label with ingredients so we can respect the needs of those with food concerns)
- plate and cutlery
Donation Requests:
- work gloves
- hand tools for weeding
We look forward to seeing everyone at Copley Community Orchard!