We hope you’ll come to the 3rd Annual Harvest Party! Last year’s was a lot of fun and was a great way to celebrate each other, delicious local food, and all the work we put in at the Orchard. We’ve had a successful year, let’s celebrate again!
There will be live music, family fun, fresh apple cider and good company and cheer! It will be a potluck again, so bring your delicious fall fare.
Also…Enter a pie in the pie-baking contest! Just bring your pie and see if it is voted the favorite.
When: Sunday, October 26
Where: Trout Lake Community Centre, 3360 Victoria Drive, Lakewood Rm
Time: Doors at 5:30, Dinner at 6 (we’ll party until about 8!)
What to Bring:
- Your potluck item!
- Your plate, utensils & mug (Tea will be provided.)
- Your pie to show off your pie-making skills
We are also looking for donations of gifts for door prizes, raffle, etc. Please let us know in advance via email if you are able to contribute something.
RSVPs required please! Let us know if you’re coming, and how many adults/children will be there. If you’re able to come at 5 PM to help set up, please let us know this too. RSVP to membership@
See attached poster above for more details.
Hope to see you there!
Copley Community Orchard