This coming Saturday, May 9 is our next work party at the Copley Community Orchard!
You do not need to be a member to attend work parties. Volunteers are always welcome! The work party will happen rain or shine, so in case it’s raining, bring your rain boots and rain pants!
- Date: Saturday, May 9
- Time: 10 – 2
- Potluck @ 1pm
**Learn: Wild edibles and making your peace with weeds**
Following the work party, we will tour the orchard and talk about some of our beneficial weeds and how we can do more than just throw them into the green bin. An edible foraging tour!
Work Party Tasks:
- Continue widening tree wells
- Fertilize trees and berries
- Install irrigation for cherry trees
- Clean up and renovate the pollinator beds
- Pest reduction/elimination
- Weed dry creek bed installation
- Clean up/renovate raised beds
What to Bring:
- Dress for the weather
- Water bottle
- Potluck item (please label with ingredients so we can respect the needs of those with food concerns)
- Plate and cutlery
- Membership donation
- We’ll be signing up previous years’ members as well as new members, and collecting voluntary membership fees.
- Suggested donation is $20 per membership but no one will be turned away due to lack of funds.
Work Party Dates for the Remainder of 2015:
- JUNE Sunday June 14
- JULY Saturday, July 11
- AUGUST Sunday, August 9
- SEPTEMBER Saturday, September 12
- OCTOBER Sunday, October 11
Hope to see you there!!
Copley Community Orchard