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Contact Us

Please use the form here, message us through Facebook or Instagram, or come to one of the work parties or events!

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Events At the Orchard

We have work parties once a month and other events periodically as well. The work parties are from 9:00am to 1:00pm on the dates shown below. Check our facebook or instagram pages for details on the events. Click here for directions through google maps.

Work Parties

Weeding/Wisdom Wednesdays

Every Wednesday in July and August at 6:00 or 6:30pm. Follow us on facebook or instagram for the most up to date information on these events!

  • Join us in the evening at 6:00 or 6:30pm for an hour or two of learning and/or weeding. Your choice!
  • Each week a different teacher will be be sharing their knowledge about plants and wildlife.
  • July 3
  • July 10
  • July 17
  • July 24
  • July 31
  • August 7
  • August 14
  • August 21
  • August 28

Other Events

Map to orchard