Harvest Celebration Dinner

Come join us at our Harvest Party on September 30th! EVERYONE is welcome! Please share this invite with your friends and family.  www.copleycommunityorchard.com

September 9th Work Party

Everyone is invited to the Inaugural Planting of the Universally Accessible Perennial Garden! At this work party we also will be: pruning improving our asparagus, strawberry and rhubarb beds mulching pollinator beds with comfrey cleaning up the site from obstructions...

Vancouver Fruit Tree Project

Copley Community Orchard supports The Vancouver Fruit Tree Project   What’s the Vancouver Fruit Tree Project? Volunteers harvest extra fruit from backyard fruit trees and redistribute it to community groups. In the past 12 years they have picked more than...

This Sunday’s Work Party!

Both members and volunteers are welcome to join us at our work parties!   July 8th, 2012 At this work party we will be: given a short lesson how to “pinch off” and how to use and clean shears between cuts. fruit thinning (with educational instructions...